Big Blue Junior™ BP-53V with Vacuum-Powered Mandrel Collection System
The BP-53V is like our heavy duty riveter, Big Blue, but without the steroids. Big Blue Junior has the power of the large “heavy duty” riveters in the body of a small one. This tool simply has more pulling force than other tools in its weight class. This is our “full range riveter”.
This pop rivets gun tool sets 3/32, 1/8, 5/32 and 3/16 rivets in all materials. Big blue Jr. is ideal for multi-grip rivets and pulls 3/16 Monobolt/Magna-lok structural rivets. This tool provides an economical light-weight solution to placing a wide range of rivets. Nose pieces and service wrenches are included. Recommended operating air pressure is 85-100 psi. Weight 4 lbs.